Altair® HyperWorks®.

Driving More Design with Simulation

HyperWorks provides easy-to-learn, effective workflows that leverage domain knowledge and increase team productivity, enabling the efficient development of today’s increasingly complex and connected products.


Midsurfacing and Meshing

The new HyperWorks experience is designed to enable engineers to move from physics to physics, domain to domain, and even create reports without leaving the model. Creating, exploring and optimizing designs in HyperWorks enables robust designs that accurately model structures, mechanisms, fluids, electromagnetics, electrics, embedded software, system design and manufacturing processes.

Solution-specific workflows streamline a growing number of engineering processes, including fatigue analysis, conceptual design optimization, CFD modeling and design exploration. Each has a carefully designed and intuitive interface, differentiated for each user profile. It remains both consistent and easy to learn.


Midsurfacing and Meshing
Geometry Generation and Manipulation

Geometry Generation and Manipulation

Combined with powerful assembly management, intuitive direct modeling for geometry creation and editing, center surface extraction, center surfaces and meshes, and mesh quality correction provides everything you need to quickly, accurately create models and evaluate alternative designs and product variants in less time.

HyperWorks offers a complete environment for visualizing, querying and processing the resulting data. It gives access to a wide range of CAE data formats, including video and image files, enabling full data processing and analysis with advanced tables and curve plots, all the way to 3D visualization of complex simulations and photorealistic rendering. In addition, it allows users to share and customize work sessions through flexible templates and reporting infrastructure.

Why HyperWorks?

Faster Product Development

Faster Product Development

Altair integrated the tools required for the product lifecycles of today’s programs with bi-directional connection to PDM systems, while enabling multiple variants and sub-systems to be easily managed within the same model.

Greater Multi-disciplinary Collaboration

Greater Multi-disciplinary Collaboration

High-fidelity multi-disciplinary, multiphysics and multi-model simulations of your increasingly complex and connected product in every operating environment.

Accurate Modeling of More Design Alternatives

Accurate Modeling of More Design Alternatives

HyperWorks is the unified CAE environment for product development built on the foundation of Altair® HyperMesh®, the most trusted industry standard for FE modeling and visualization.

Key Features

Fast, Intuitive Workflows

Accelerate product development with new workflows optimized for specific processes including fatigue analysis, concept design optimization, CFD modeling, design exploration, and more.

Manage the Largest Models

Thanks to the efficient assembly management with bi-directional connection to PDM systems, multiple variants and sub-systems can be easily managed within the same model.

Direct FE and Geometry Modeling

Use the intuitive direct modeling capabilities to rapidily create and evaluate design alternatives. Introduce new geometry revisions directly on the existent FE model.

Transition on Your Timeline

Both the new and established HyperWorks experiences are available with no loss of existing functionality. All HyperMesh models, scripts, and processes continue to work.

High-fidelity Meshing

Decrease model build time with efficient workflows including: geometry creation and editing, mid-surface extraction, surface meshing and midmeshing, mesh quality correction.

Interactive Morphing

Morphing is no longer an expert-level tool. The easy-to-learn mesh morphing features of HyperWorks brings efficiency to teams working on simulation models early in product development.

Altair Poland

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Want to know more about Altair software and CAE simulations?

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